An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Preventing Illness with Classical Chinese Medicine

One of the original sages of classical Chinese medicine was a brilliant physician who lost many family members during a pandemic in China nearly 1900 years ago. Motivated by his purpose and passion to transmit the knowledge he gained throughout his lifetime of experience in medicine, he wrote his magnum opus, the Shanghan Zabing Lun.

That sage was Zhang Zhongjing.

Not many people know that one of the reasons classical Chinese medicine focuses so much on prevention is because of direct experience with the pandemics of the past.

Think about it for a moment…the majority of people who have died during this pandemic have comorbidities. Not all, but the majority of people who suffer the most and die are already sick.

Imagine how many lives could be saved if medicine in the US was geared towards prevention and optimal wellness?

What’s the good news here? It is not too late to get started…

Of course an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so how have we prevented covid today? Wearing a mask and social distancing are great ideas, but what about all the other things we can do to stay healthy and disease free?

Here are some questions I like to ask myself:

Have I opened my heart and lived from love?
Have I gotten out in nature and practiced deep breathing in the fresh air?
Have I focused on living my purpose from a place of joy and thanks?
Am I hydrating well with good clean water?

There are many ways to stimulate your immunity and practice prevention…health is something that can be learned.

Acupuncture has a profound effect on a person’s immune system and helps prevent illness…

One of the reasons Chinese medicine has stuck around for so many thousands of years is because it is based on timeless principles.

Remember, don’t start digging a well when you are already thirsty. And even if you are sick, you can start today and turn it around over time with effort and help.

To learn my top 7 ways to increase your immunity and heal your life you can check out this article I wrote…these are timeless principles for health and well-being that don’t change like the many health fads out there that come and go…

To learn my 7 principles for total wellness check out this article…

To schedule a free consult with James or to set up an appointment click here.

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