Using Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for Cancer
Chinese medicine and acupuncture have been used for thousands of years to treat cancer all over Asia. Using acupuncture for cancer as an adjunct to western treatment is becoming more common in the west. In many hospitals, acupuncture is used to alleviate the side effects of western treatment. At it’s best, Chinese medicine assists a person to achieve total wellness in body, mind and spirit. When a person is truly healthy, their immune system is maximally effective. Cancer patients need to be in the best health they can attain to be able to deal with the physical, emotional and mental ramification of a cancer diagnosis.
The anti-cancer properties of certain Chinese herbs have been shown to be scientifically effective as well. James Whittle has traveled to China eight times and worked with some very famous physicians in China. James worked for many months on the oncology floor learning the methods that modern Chinese hospitals use to treat cancer.

One of his master acupuncture teachers, and an expert in using Chinese herbal medicine for cancer, is Dr. Zhou. Dr. Zhou is a cancer specialist at the Shuguang hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. You can learn more about Dr. Zhou in this article I wrote for the online publication Acupuncture Today.
James has worked with cancer patients for the last 15 years helping them build resistance to cancer and balance immunity, while also preventing cancer from recurring. Chinese medicine offers a powerful anticancer strategy.
To learn more about the acupuncture and Chinese medicine approach to cancer and human vitality, simply call us at the Blue Ridge Acupuncture Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina.
Reach James Whittle M.S. L.Ac. Acupuncture in Asheville
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